Today was a big shopping day for us, it wasn't planned but just turned out that way.
In the morning, we finally bought a pair of nice sneaker for N. NB, cost us S$55. I finally give up cost saving and decided that N should have a nice shoes to run about. So far, he has been going out with his fake crocs that cost S$5. We were pleased with the purchase, especially N. Sometimes it amazed me that even 2 years old know what is shopping and buying nice stuff.
In the evening, we went to return a pair of pants that D didn't like and came back with 3 GAP shirt for D. It was a really good bargain, we had never bought GAP shirt for S$32 each. D bought 3 of them and now I am concern he looks too good at the office. After all, D is an attractive man and I am still dealing with post pregnancy hair loss. I also bought 5 pairs of socks for N, cost S$12 and 7 brief for A, cost S$18.
Oh, I forgot to mention what happened at GAP shop. N saw his father trying on shirt, so he always wanted to do the same. So we went to kids section and picked up 2 shirt and join his father at the fitting room. N just looked so good in those GAP shirt and long sleeves T-shirt. He admired himself at the mirror for a while and keep asking me, 'Mama, buy!'. We decided not to spend the money as he already has many shirts. What I wanted to say was, those branded stuff really make you look good. Even though is just a shirt but once you wear it, the material and look just make you can't resist.
Everyone went home happily. I didn't get anything but I was happy that I spent money on them